
AD-Joined provides Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) access using existing Active Directory (AD) accounts. Advanced Server Access normally automates account lifecycle management for devices by creating and managing local accounts on a device. This feature allows teams to control device access using their existing AD accounts, groups, and permissions.

Also, AD-Joined can centrally manage and sync available servers from the AD domain. Advanced Server Access tracks connections or server changes in the audit system.

Get started

Teams must complete several tasks for AD-Joined to function correctly. The following list of tasks outlines a standard implementation, but teams may need to adjust steps to fit their specific needs.

Task Description
Configure Active Directory account mapping Map AD accounts to Advanced Server Access.
Configure an Advanced Server Access gateway for AD-Joined Configure an Advanced Server Access gateway to work with your AD domain.
Create a certificate with a certificate signing request Create a certificate for use with Advanced Server Access.
Configure group policies for AD servers Distribute a certificate and configure AD settings.
Create an Active Directory connection Connect your AD domain to Advanced Server Access.
Create a server sync job Discover AD servers and assign them to projects.
Active Directory user discovery

Discover AD users and their corresponding Security Identifiers (SIDs).

Connect to servers through the Advanced Server Access dashboard Launch RDP sessions to discovered servers.

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Features and usage