Install the RDP Session transcoder

When capturing Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) sessions flowing through the Advanced Server Access gateway, the log files are stored in a binary .asa format, which can be converted to an .mkv video format using a transcoder. The transcoder is packaged separately from the Advanced Server Access gateway, and must be installed on the following supported platforms:

  • Ubuntu 22.04
  • Ubuntu 20.04
  • RHEL 8
  • RHEL 8 and 9


To install the transcoder:

Steps 1-4 are only required once. If you've already installed Advanced Server Access agent or gateway , you can skip steps 1-4.

  1. Add the Advanced Server Access repository key.

    curl -fsSL | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/oktapam-2023-archive-keyring.gpg > /dev/null

  2. Create a package resource list entry. Replace DISTRIBUTION with the appropriate distribution name such as xenial, jammy, or bullseye. The distribution name for supported platforms are provided in the table below.

    echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/oktapam-2023-archive-keyring.gpg] DISTRIBUTION okta" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/oktapam-stable.list




    Ubuntu 16.04 xenial

    Ubuntu 18.04 bionic

    Ubuntu 20.04 focal

    Ubuntu 22.04 jammy


    Debian 10 buster

    Debian 11 bullseye

  3. Update the list of available packages:

    sudo apt-get update

  4. Search for the Advanced Server Access packages.

    sudo apt-cache search scaleft

  5. Install the transcoder.

    sudo apt-get install scaleft-rdp-transcoder


To install the transcoder:

Steps 2-4 are only required once. If you've already installed Advanced Server Access agent or gateway , you can skip steps 2-4.

  1. Install the prerequisites. FFmpeg and other dependent packages aren't available within the default Red Hat repository; therefore, the following two repositories must be added first.

    • sudo dnf install -y

    • sudo dnf install -y

  2. Add the RPM key.

    sudo rpm --import

  3. To access the artifacts create a /etc/yum.repos.d/oktapam-stable.repo file. Replace PLATFORM-KEY with the platform name. You must only include major version of the OS; for example 8 for RHEL 8 (do not include a minor version).

    [oktapam-stable] name=Okta PAM Stable - PLATFORM-KEY 8 baseurl=$basearch gpgcheck=1 repo_gpgcheck=1 enabled=1 gpgkey=

  4. Run dnf update and accept the new GPG key.

    Importing GPG key 0xB8966AE8: Userid : "Okta PAM/ASA Packager (PAM/ASA Package Signing Key) <>" Fingerprint: A3A9 03C2 9B5C AF75 34B9 F393 1983 7E37 B896 6AE8 From :

    If you get 404 errors, make sure the RHEL 8 version number only includes the major version.

  5. Install the transcoder.

    sudo dnf install scaleft-rdp-transcoder


To install the transcoder:

Steps 2-4 are only required once. If you've already installed Advanced Server Access agent or gateway , you can skip steps 2-4.

  1. Install the prerequisites. FFmpeg and other dependent packages aren't available within the default Red Hat repository; therefore, the following two repositories must be added first.

    • sudo dnf install -y

    • sudo dnf install -y

    • sudo crb enable

  2. Add the RPM key.

    sudo rpm --import

  3. To access the artifacts create a /etc/yum.repos.d/oktapam-stable.repo file. Replace PLATFORM-KEY with the platform name. You must only include major version of the OS; for example 9 for RHEL 9 (do not include a minor version).

    [oktapam-stable] name=Okta PAM Stable - PLATFORM-KEY 9 baseurl=$basearch gpgcheck=1 repo_gpgcheck=1 enabled=1 gpgkey=

  4. Run dnf update and accept the new GPG key.

    Importing GPG key 0xB8966AE8: Userid : "Okta PAM/ASA Packager (PAM/ASA Package Signing Key) <>" Fingerprint: A3A9 03C2 9B5C AF75 34B9 F393 1983 7E37 B896 6AE8 From :

    If you get 404 errors, make sure the RHEL 9 version number only includes the major version.

  5. Install the transcoder.

    sudo dnf install scaleft-rdp-transcoder

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