Advanced Server Access release notes

Advanced Server Access Release Notes <span class="okta-variables.OktaProductTitle mc-variable">| Okta Advanced Access Server</span>

Device Tools

The binaries for device tools are compatible with both Okta Privileged Access and Advanced Server Access.

Release: 1.88.0

Deployment date: February 19, 2025

Release summary

  • Users can now set a timeout for how long the system waits for confirmation of a failed connection before terminating the process. This timeout activates when an SSH connection is initiated.

  • Removed the unsupported Advanced Server Access gateway for Windows OS.

Server agent


  • The SFT support bundles now include /etc/sudoers and /etc/sudoers.d/* files.


Server Agent

  • Wscapi.dll files now load from the system directory with a valid signature.