Status monitoring

The Access Gateway status REST API endpoint can be used to determine if a given Access Gateway node is up. The following curl example requests current status using the /status endpoint.

This check ONLY determines if the worker node itself is up and functioning. It does NOT determine if down stream resources are up and available.

To perform a node up check send an HTTP request with the following:

Protocol HTTPS
Request GET
IP IP Address of each worker node
With header Host: Your gateway's host

The following curl example requests current status using the /status endpoint.

For example:

  • -X GET - Make a get request (default, not required)
  • -v - Verbose (not require for production)
  • -k - Insecure
  • -H 'Host:gw.{yourgateway.tld}

curl -X GET -v -k -H 'Host:gw.yourhost.tld'

This returns 200 on success; 400 on error or timeout.

Access Gateway hostname

To determine Access Gateway hostname:

  1. Sign in to the Access Gateway Admin UI console.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Select the Access Gateway.
  4. The Access Gateway Hostname field in the System Configuration section contains the hostname.

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