Monitor your tasks

Tasks are issues in your org that require attention. They can include errors, informational items, and to-do items.

There are two ways to view your tasks:

  • In the Tasks widget of the Admin Dashboard.
  • On the Tasks page at DashboardTasks.

View tasks on the Admin Dashboard

The Tasks widget displays the following information about your tasks:

  • Type: There are three types of tasks:
    • Error: These are errors occurring in your org. Okta recommends that you fix them when you can.
    • To-do: These are recommendations from Okta that help you manage your day-to-day administration tasks.
    • Info: These are informational messages about things you can do to enhance the functionality of your org.
  • Items: The number of affected apps, users, or groups.
  • Description: A summary of the task with linked details.

Click a task to see more information about it.

Click the filter icon to filter tasks by Active or Unsubscribed.

Click the sort icon beside the Type and Items to sort by these categories.

Click the ellipsis button (three dots) beside a task to subscribe to or unsubscribe from a task. For deprovisioning tasks, there's also a Mark all complete option. Tasks that you subscribed to are sorted as Active in the table filter.

View tasks on the Tasks page

The Tasks page displays all of your tasks. You can view recent tasks by time period, search by person, application, or group, and filter them.

To view your tasks, go to DashboardTasks.

In the left column, the number beside each task is the number of affected apps, users, or groups.

Click a task to view its details.

View tasks by time period

  1. Click the dropdown menu in the upper-left corner and select an option to view all tasks, or recent tasks by time period:

    • All tasks
    • Today
    • Yesterday
    • This month
    • Last month
  2. Click Refresh periodically to refresh the list. Click Back to return to the initial view of the Tasks page.

Search for a task

You can search for tasks by person, app, or group.

  1. Click the icon to the right of the search field.
  2. Click in the search field and start entering the first few characters of the name you're searching for. Okta displays a list of matching names.
  3. Select the name that you want to search for.
  4. Click Refresh periodically to refresh the list. Click Back to return to the initial view of the Tasks page.

Filter tasks

  1. Click Filter.

  2. Select the criterion that you want to filter for.

Task list

Type Description Address this task
Error Agent down Go to DashboardAgents
Error Application assignments encountered errors
  1. Click the task and view the task subpage.
  2. Click an app assignment.
  3. Click Edit Assignment.


Group push mapping encountered errors

Click the task and view the task subpage

Error Profile push updates encountered errors Click the task and view the task subpage


Renew your expired SAML app certificates

  1. Click the task and view the task subpage.
  2. Click an app name.
  3. Click Generate new certificate. See Manage signing certificates.
To-do All imports paused pending threshold review Go to ReportsImport Monitoring
To-do Application accounts need deprovisioning Click the task and view the task subpage
To-do Application accounts need password syncing Click the task and view the task subpage
To-do Application assignments need additional information Click the task and view the task subpage
To-do Application requests waiting Click the task and view the task subpage
To-do Locked out users View the user's profile page


Renew your SAML app certificates before they expire

  1. Click the task and view the task subpage.
  2. Click an app name.
  3. Click Generate new certificate. See Manage signing certificates.
Info Applications can be updated to use provisioning Go to ReportsProvisioning Capable Apps
Info Applications can be updated to use SAML Go to ReportsSAML Capable Apps