Disable the Wipe All Device Data option

The Wipe All Device Data option is enabled by default, but you can disable it on a per-iOS mobile policy basis for new OMM enrollments. When disabled, the Wipe All . . . option is unavailable in the Device Actions menu for iOS devices that:

  • Are covered by the relevant iOS mobile policy.
  • Enrolled in OMM after the Wipe All . . . option was disabled in the mobile policy. The Wipe All . . . option is still available for iOS devices that enrolled in OMM before the option was disabled. ClosedMore
  1. In the Admin Console, go to OMMOMM Policies.
  2. Select a policy in the left pane.
  3. Under Platforms, locate the rule for the relevant iOS device, and then click the pencil icon.
  4. In the Edit iOS Rule dialog box, click Next to advance to the second screen.
  5. Scroll down to the IOS PERMISSIONS section, and then select Disable wipe all device permission.
  6. Click Save.