Supported SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central entities and attributes
When SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central is integrated with Okta, the following entities and attributes are supported. Blocklisted attributes are marked with an asterisk (*). Okta doesn't query or save any information related to these attributes.
Person |
Personal Information |
Address Information |
Email Information |
Employment Information |
Phone Information |
Job Information |
birth_name country_of_birth date_of_birth date_of_death logon_user_id logon_user_is_active logon_user_name person_id person_id_external place_of_birth region_of_birth Custom_string1 - 20 Custom_date1 - 10 Custom_long1 - 20 Custom_double1 - 20 |
birth_name display_name display_name_alt1 display_name_alt2 end_date first_name first_name_alt1 formal_name formal_name_alt1 formal_name_alt2 gender initials last_name last_name_alt1 marital_status middle_name name_format name_prefix nationality native_preferred_lang salutation second_title start_date suffix title workflow_request_id Custom_string1 - 20 Custom_date1 - 10 Custom_long1 - 20 |
address_type address1 – 10 address1_alt1 address1_alt2 address2_alt1 address2_alt2 address3_alt1 address3_alt2 city country county end_date province start_date state zip_code Custom_string1 - 20 Custom_date1 - 10 Custom_long1 - 20 Custom_double |
email_address Custom_string1 - 20 Custom_date1 - 10 Custom_long1 - 20 Custom_double1 - 20 |
assignment_class assignment_type benefits_eligibility_start_date benefitsEndDate bonusPayExpirationDate direct_reports employment_id end_date firstDateWorked globalAssignmentPlannedEndDate is_host_assignment isPrimary jobNumber last_modified_by last_modified_on lastDateWorked originalStartDate pay_grade payrollEndDate professionalServiceDate salary_end_date seniorityDate serviceDate start_date StockEndDate user_id Custom_string1 - 100 Custom_date1 - 30 Custom_long1 - 20 Custom_double1 - 20 |
area_code country_code extension phone_number phone_type Custom_string1 - 20 Custom_date1 - 10 Custom_long1 - 20 Custom_double1 - 20 |
acquired_from_ company business_unit business_unit_id company company_id company_territory_code cost_center cost_center_id created_by created_on_timestamp department department_id division division_id eeo_class eeo_job_group eeo1_job_category eeo4_job_category eeo5_job_category eeo6_job_category employee_class employee_type employment_type emplStatus end_date event event_reason flsa_status fte holiday_calendar_code is_cross_border_worker is_eligible_for_benefit is_eligible_for_car is_fulltime_employee is_home_worker is_primary is_shift_employee job_code job_title local_job_title location location_id manager_category manager_employment_id manager_id manager_person_id notes* pay_grade* pay_group* payroll_event* payScaleArea* payScaleType* position regular_temp seq_number shift_code shift_factor shift_rate* standard_hours start_date supervisor_level time_type_profile_code timezone work_period workflow_request_id workingDaysPerWeek workschedule_code Custom_string1 - 100 Custom_date1 - 30 Custom_long1 - 20 Custom_double1 - 20 |