Deprovisioning options for Office 365
Deactivating or deprovisioning an Office 365 user occurs when they're unassigned in Okta or their Okta account is deactivated. If the app is reassigned in Okta, the user can be reassigned. Enhanced deprovisioning only works with provisioned Office 365 instances and provides a more granular off-boarding workflow.
The options under the Microsoft Office 365 user status on deactivation menu allow for granular deactivation and deprovisioning of users.
Okta recommends including a three-day grace period for any action that deletes users. This can reduce the necessity to restore deleted users and their data in Office 365.

Once Microsoft has removed data during deprovisioning, it can't be recovered.
Option | What it does |
Block sign-in |
Block sign-in and remove licenses |
Block sign-in and remove licenses after grace period |
Block sign-in, remove licenses, and delete user |
Block sign-in, remove licenses, and delete user after grace period |