User management in Linux

The following table explains how Okta Privileged Access manages users on Linux servers.

Area Notes

By default, Okta Privileged Access creates server usernames that follow the most restrictive Linux naming conventions. Usernames can contain lowercase letters (a-z), numbers (0-9), dashes (-), and underscores (_), can't be a reserved name, and have a maximum length of 32 characters. In the event a username collision occurs, an attempt is made to differentiate between users by appending a number to the server username.

Server account permissions

The permissions that users are assigned when they log into server resources with their individual accounts are restricted to end user, non-administrative permissions.

User creation

Users are created and configured on Linux using standard tools, such as useradd and groupmod.

User and group updates

Standard tools are used to manage user and group updates, such as usermod, groupadd, and groupmod.

User deletion

Users are deleted with userdel.