Manage Active Directory users and groups

When you complete your Active Directory (AD) integration, you'll want to import and manage user and group data. Use these topics to learn how to import and manage user and group data.

Users and groups are tracked separately during incremental imports. Group memberships for new users may be incomplete when incremental import is run. Use JIT provisioning to avoid this situation. See Add and update users with Active Directory Just-In-Time provisioning.

The AD user profile schema requires both the first and last name. You can create an Okta-sourced user without a first or last name, but you can't import an AD user into Okta without a first and last name.

To deactivate user accounts temporarily, use the Suspend procedure. See Suspend and unsuspend users. If you set an AD-managed account into Password Reset status, the user can still access Okta Mobile by using PIN or FaceID authentication.
