View previously completed campaigns

You may want to view previously closed campaigns for context in future campaigns, or view and export them for audit purposes. You can view campaigns that were completed in the last 12 months from the Access Certifications page. However, if you need to view and export details of campaigns that were closed in the last 15 months, you can use either of these reports:

  • Past Campaign Details
  • Past Campaign Summaries

Before you begin

  • You're signed in as a super admin, org admin, read-only admin, mobile admin, or reports admin.
  • You have some completed Access Certifications campaigns. See Create campaigns.
  • Your browser's pop-up blocker is disabled. The CSV export fails if the pop-up blocker is enabled.

Start this task

You can view previously completed campaigns from either of these pages:

  • Access certification campaigns page

    1. Sign in as a super admin or an access certifications admin.
    2. In the Admin Console, go to Identity Governance Access Certifications.
    3. On the Access certification campaigns page, go to the Closed tab.
    4. Select the campaign that you want to view.

      Tip: If you want to view how a review item was reassigned, you can select the review item to see its history. The history contains useful information such as details about the initial assignment, business justification for the reassignment, details of the assigned reviewer, and the final decision of the reviewer.

  • Reports page
    1. In the Admin Console, go to Reports Reports.
    2. In the Access certification campaigns section, select either of the following reports:
      • Past Campaign Details for specific information on decisions made during campaigns.
      • Past Campaign Summaries for a summary view of all past campaigns.
        See Past Campaign Details report and Past Campaign Summary report for more information about the reports and its filters. For campaigns with multilevel reviews, you can also view the information for closed campaigns in these reports.
    3. Click CSV Export to download the report.

Unlike other Okta reports, your CSV file is downloaded in the browser and not delivered by email. Be sure to wait for the download to complete before leaving the page or closing the browser.

Related topics

Past Campaign Details report

Past Campaign Summary report