Manage tasks

Approvers and users who are assigned a step in a request need clear visibility and context for requests, so they understand what to approve and for whom. When a requester submits a request, tasks are assigned automatically to approvers based on the request type configuration or access request condition setup.

For requests that are managed by request types, approvers and task assignees can view request details like requester, request creator, request type, assignee, team, tags, and followers. Approvers who are a part of the team that owns the request type or are also request assignees can also modify the request.

For requests that are managed by conditions, approvers and task assignees can view request details like requester, request assignee, tags, and followers. If an approver or a task assignee denies the task, Okta automatically closes the request and the requester is denied access.

In both scenarios, approvers can chat with the requester from within a request.

To understand how requests managed by conditions are different from the ones managed by request types, see Considerations.

Manage tasks from the Access Requests web app

To approve or deny a task from the Okta Access Requests web app, approvers can follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Okta Access Requests web app from their End-User Dashboard.

  2. Select Inbox and go to the Open tab to view tasks awaiting approval.

  3. Select a request and review the request details, such as request type and requester information.

    If a user submitted a request for someone else, the request creator is listed in the Requested By field and the person for whom they requested the access for is displayed as Requester.

  4. Optional. Review the following information provided by the requester from the central pane:

    1. Responses submitted by the requester from the Questions section on the Actions tab.

    2. The activity log from the Activity tab.

    3. Notes in the chat from the right panel of the request. Approvers can also ask the requester for more information in the chat.

  5. Select the appropriate option to approve or deny the request. The choices vary based on the task type:

    • Approval tasks: Click Approve or Deny.

    • Custom tasks: Click Complete.

    • Action tasks: They click Run or Mark as complete, to resolve the task. If they click Mark as complete, the task is resolved without any action being taken in Okta.

After approvers take action on a task, Okta moves the request to the Pending tab if the request is awaiting an automated action.

If an automated task doesn't complete, request assignees can check that the questions and other tasks in the request are complete. Access Requests automatically runs the task after a request assignee enters the missing information. They can run a delegated workflow manually by clicking Run manually or mark the task as done without running the flow by clicking Mark as complete.

Related topics

Access request conditions

Create requests

Manage requests