
Secrets are encrypted key-value pairs that can be used to store sensitive information, such as usernames, passwords, API tokens, keys, or any string value. Resource admins create the root of a hierarchy by creating top-level secret folders, while security admins implement policies including Access Requests and MFA conditions for accessing secrets.

How secrets work in Okta Privileged Access

  1. Resource admin creates an organization structure by establishing a hierarchy of top-level secret folders to manage secrets. See Secret folders.

  2. Security administrators create policies that permit access to secrets and nested secrets within the hierarchy. See Create or update a security policy

  3. Okta Privileged Access users can create, read, update, or delete secrets within the top-level folder they've been granted access to, using either the user interface or CLI. See Create and manage secrets

Related topics

Requirements and limitations

Secret folders

Secret permissions

Rule conditions

Create and manage secrets (End user).