Register multiple domains to an Okta Active Directory agent

You can register multiple domains to a single Okta Active Directory (AD) agent. However, these domains must be in the same forest and contain trust, otherwise the Service account (which the agent runs as) cannot connect to the other domains to register them.

To add more domains to the Okta AD agent, you need to ensure the domains have an external trust and the domain service account has sufficient privileges in all domains.

  1. On the server running the Okta AD agent, select StartAll ProgramsOktaOkta AD AgentOkta AD Agent Manager.
  2. Select Domains.
  3. In the drop-down menu, select a domain and then click Register. Alternatively, type the domain name in the field, and then click Register.

A message appears stating that your new domain has been registered and you are prompted to restart the agent.

  1. Optional. Register additional domains.
  2. Restart the Okta AD agent.