Read User

Retrieve an Auth0 user's details for a specific user ID.


Field Definition Type Required

Unique identifier of the user.



Field Definition Type
Raw Output The raw response object returned by the API after reading the user. Object
ID Unique external ID of the user. Text
Name Name of the user. Text
Email The email address of the user. Text
Phone Number The user's phone number.

This output value only appears for users with SMS connections.

Metadata Data related to the user that doesn't affect the application's core functionality. Object
App Metadata Data related to the user that does affect the application's core functionality. Object
Username Username of the user. Text
Given Name Given name of the user. Text
Family Name Family name of the user. Text
Nickname Nickname of the user. Text
Email Verified Indicates whether this email address is verified or unverified.

The user receives a verification email after creation if this is false or not specified.

Picture A uniform resource identifier (URI) containing the user's picture.

For example,

Blocked Indicates whether an administrator has blocked this user or not. True/False
Created At A timestamp indicating when the user profile was initially created. Text
Last IP IP address associated with the user's last sign-in attempt. Text
Updated At A timestamp indicating when the user's profile was most recently updated or modified.

Changes to Last Login are considered updates, so most of the time, Updated At matches Last Login.

Last Login A timestamp indicating when the user last signed in. Text
Identities Contains information retrieved from the Identity Provider that originally authenticates the user. List of Objects
Connection Name of the Auth0 connection used to authenticate the user. Text
User ID User's unique ID for this connection or provider. Text
Provider Name of the entity that authenticated the user. For example, Facebook, Google, SAML, or your own provider. Text
Is Social Indicates whether the connection is authenticated through a social provider. True/False
Logins Count Number of times the user has signed in. Number

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Auth0 connector

Workflow elements

Auth0 Management API Access Tokens

Auth0 Management API