
When you add an Auth0 card to a flow for the first time, Okta Workflows prompts you to configure the connection. This creates a connection to your Auth0 account, and also saves your account information so you can reuse the connection for any new flows that include Auth0.

You can create multiple unique connections and manage them from the Connections page in the Okta Workflows Console.

Authorize your Auth0 account

Adding an Auth0 connection requires you to first register your app with Auth0 using the Auth0 Dashboard. You need to have a machine-to-machine application for each Auth0 tenant. See Register Machine-to-Machine Applications.

  1. In your Auth0 Dashboard, go to Dashboard Applications Applications and then click Create Application.

  2. Enter a descriptive name for your application.

  3. Select Machine to Machine Applications, and click Create.

  4. For the Authorize Machine to Machine Application dialog, select the Management API from the menu. Because your application only accesses the Auth0 management API, you don't need to create an API.

  5. Each Auth0 machine-to-machine app that accesses an API has a set of scopes granted by the authenticated user. Select the Permissions that you want for your application's access token. The minimum required scopes are:

    • create:users

    • read:users

    • read:user_idp_tokens

    • read:connections

    • update:users

    • update:users_app_metadata

    • delete:users

    You can add other scopes later for this application through the Auth0 Dashboard.

  6. Click Authorize.

  7. On the Settings tab, copy the Client ID and the Client Secret values from the Basic Information for your application.

  8. Click Settings on the left panel, and on the General tab, copy the Tenant Name and Region information. You need this information to create the connection in Okta.

Return to the Okta Workflows Console to create the application connection.

Create a connection

After you have registered and configured your Auth0 application, you can create the connection from within Okta Workflows.

  1. Open the Workflows Console, and click the Connections tab.

  2. Click New Connection.

  3. Click the Auth0 icon.

  4. Enter a Connection Nickname. Unique names are useful if you plan to create multiple Auth0 connections to share with your team.

  5. Enter the Client ID and Client Secret values that you copied from the Auth0 application.

  6. For the Region option, select the region where your Auth0 tenant is located. You can find this information from the Auth0 Dashboard when you click your org name in the header bar.

    If your Auth0 tenant uses a custom domain, select Private Cloud.

  7. Enter your Auth0 Organization. This is the domain that you chose for your Auth0 tenant. See Create tenants.

    If you're using a custom domain, enter the full base URL into this field (without the https:// portion of the URL). For example,

  8. Click Create.

You can now select the configured Auth0 connection whenever you add an action card to your workflow.

Related topics

Auth0 connector

Workflow elements

Auth0 Management API Access Tokens

Auth0 Management API