Create Issue

Create a new issue or update an existing issue in GitHub.


Field Definition Type Required
Organization Name of the org that contains the repository. String FALSE
Repository Name of the repository to which the issue will be assigned. String FALSE


Field Definition Type Required
Title Title of the issue. String TRUE
Description Issue's description. String FALSE
Assignees Logins of the users to whom this issue should be assigned. List FALSE
Milestone Number Milestone to which to associate this issue. Number FALSE
Labels Labels to associate with this issue. List FALSE


Field Definition Type
Issue ID Unique identifier for the issue. Number
Issue URL Issue's URL. String
Repository URL A URL that points to the repository to which the issue belongs. String
Labels URL A URL that contains the labels associated with the issue. String
Comments URL A URL that contains comments associated with the issue. String
Events URL A URL that contains events associated with the issue. String
HTML URL A URL that contains a human-readable HTML version of the issue. String
Issue Number Number assigned to the issue. Number
State State of the issue. String
Title Title of the issue. String
Description Description of the issue. String
User ID

Unique identifier of the user.

Username Login of the user who raised the issue. String
Labels List of labels associated with the issue. Object
Assignee ID ID of the user to whom the issue is assigned. String
Assignee Username Login of the user to whom the issue is assigned. String
Assignees List of users to whom the issue is assigned. String
Milestone ID Unique identifier for the milestone with which the issue is associated. String
Milestone Number Milestone number associated with the issue. Number
Milestone State State of the milestone. String
Milestone Title Title of the milestone. String
Is Locked? If true, the issue is locked. Boolean
Comments Count Number of comments on the issue. Number
Created At

Date and time when the object was created.

Date & Time
Updated At Time the issue was last updated. Date & Time

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GitHub connector

Workflow elements

GitHub API documentation