Read User

Read a user's GitHub profile.


To use this action card in a flow, you must set up SAML support for your app in your GitHub instance. If SAML support isn't set up properly, search results will only product public information for a user.


Field Definition Type Required
Username Username for the user; can be an login or username. String TRUE


Field Definition Type
Username Username for the user; can be an login or username. String
User ID

Unique identifier of the user.

Global Node ID node_id value of the user in the GitHub API. String
Avatar URL URL of the user's avatar. String
HTML URL URL of the user page; example, String
Type Type of data returned. String
Is Site Admin? Indicates whether the user is a site admin; if yes, True, otherwise False. String
Public Name Publicly displayed name of the user. String
Blog URL URL of the user's blog. String
Company Company where the user is employed. String
Location City of residence of the user. String
Email Email address of the user. String
Is Hireable? Indicates whether the user is hireable; if yes, True, otherwise False. String
Biograpy Brief description of the user. String
Twitter Username Twitter handle of the user. String
Public Repositories Number of public repositories to which the user has access. String
Public Gists Number of public gists to which the user has access. String
Followers Number of followers of the user. String
Following Number of people whom the user follows. String
Created At

Date and time when the object was created.

Updated At Date and time when the user profile was last updated. String
SCIM User ID Unique identifier generated by the GitHub SCIM endpoint. String
SCIM Username Username for the user generated by the GitHub SCIM endpoint. String
External ID Unique identifier that's generated by the SAML provider and matched against a GitHub user. String
Given Name First name of the user. String
Family Name Last name of the user. String
Emails Emails associated with the user. List
Is Active? Indicates whether the identity is active (true) or should be deprovisioned (false). String
Resource Type Resource type for the user String

Related topics

GitHub connector

Workflow elements

GitHub API documentation