Send Email

Use this action to send an email from an Office 365 account. You can use plain text or format a message with HTML tags.


Field Definition Type Required
To Email address(es) of recipient(s) of the email. List of Text FALSE
CC Email address(es) of recipient(s) of a carbon copy of the email. List of Text FALSE
BCC Email address(es) of recipient(s) of a blind carbon copy of the email. List of Text FALSE
Subject Subject of the email. String FALSE
Body Text body of the email. String FALSE
Message Type Choice for plain text or HTML tagging as the format for the body of the email. Dropdown FALSE
Attachments One or more attachments to the email. Maximum size limit for each attachment is 10MB. List of Files FALSE


Field Definition Type
Message ID Unique identifier of the sent email. String

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Office 365 Mail connector

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Guidance for Office 365 Mail connector

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