List Users With Search

Search for users based on the properties specified in the search parameter.

The input and output fields in this card are dynamically generated based on your instance.


Field Definition Type Required
Result Set

Choose a method to filter search results:

  • First Matching Record: Returns the first record that matches.

  • First 200 Matching Records: Returns the first 200 matching records.

  • Stream Matching Records: Passes all matching records from your parent flow to a helper flow.

    Selecting this option adds a Streaming input section to the card where you can select a helper flow for streaming and add custom extensible fields.

Dropdown TRUE

To learn how to return a large number of records, see Stream matching records with a helper flow.


Field Definition Type Required
Status Status of the Okta user:








Dropdown FALSE

Date and time when the object was created.

String FALSE
Activated Timestamp when the user was activated. String FALSE
Status Changed Timestamp when the user's status was changed. String FALSE
Last Updated Timestamp when the user was last updated. String FALSE
ID Unique ID of the user. String FALSE
Username User's username. String FALSE
First Name User's first name. String FALSE
Last Name User's last name or family name. String FALSE
Middle Name User's middle name. String FALSE
Honorific Prefix User's honorific prefixes, also known as title in most Western languages. String FALSE
Honorific Suffix User's honorific suffixes, also known as title in most Western languages. String FALSE
Primary Email User's primary email address. String FALSE

Job title of the user.

String FALSE
Display Name User's display name. String FALSE
Nickname User's nickname. String FALSE
Profile Url URL of the user's online profile or a web page. String FALSE
Secondary Email User's secondary email. String FALSE
Mobile Phone User's mobile phone number. String FALSE
Primary Phone User's primary phone number. String FALSE
Street Address Full street address component of user's address. String FALSE
City City or locality component of user's address. String FALSE
State State or region component of user's address. String FALSE
Zip Code Zip code or postal code component of user's address. String FALSE
Country Code Country abbreviation. String FALSE
Postal Address Mailing address component of user's address. String FALSE
Preferred Language User's preferred written or spoken languages. String FALSE
Locale User's default location for purposes of localizing items like currency, date/time format, and numerical representations. String FALSE
Time Zone User's time zone. String FALSE
User Type Relationship to the user to the organization, such as Employee or Contractor. String FALSE
Employee Number User's organization- or company-assigned unique ID. String FALSE
Cost Center Name of a cost center assigned with the user. String FALSE
Organization Name of the user's organization. String FALSE
Division Name of the user's division. String FALSE
Department Name of user's department. String FALSE
ManagerId ID of the user's manager. String FALSE
Manager Display name of the user's manager. String FALSE
Custom String 1 Custom string. String FALSE
Custom String Enum Custom string enumerator. Dropdown FALSE
Custom Search Criteria Any custom search criteria you want to add.

See Okta Developer documentation.

String FALSE
Sort by Choose from the options available. Dropdown FALSE
Sort Order Choose from ASC or DESC. Dropdown FALSE
Flow Click Choose Flow to browse and select a helper flow to which the search results will be streamed, then click Choose to confirm.

Optionally, click the empty field under Click or drop here to create and add custom extensible fields that pass data to the helper flow. These fields are added as key/value pairs under the State output object in the helper flow.

Appears when Stream Matching Records is selected from the Result Set option.

Search Criteria
Record Limit

Specify the number of records to stream.

  • When the Limit field is set to 0, the stream returns no records.

  • When the Limit field is set to greater than 0, the stream returns up to the maximum number specified.

  • When the Limit field is empty, null, or not selected, the stream returns all records.

  • The default value is 10000000 (10 million).

  • The valid range is 0 to 10000000.

This field appears when you select Stream Matching Records from the Result Set option.

Number FALSE


Field Definition Type
Users Appears when First 200 Matching Records is selected from Result Set option. Fields that appear under Users are helper fields. List of Objects
Raw Output Raw output returned by the Okta API. Object
ID Unique identifier of the user. String
Status Current status of the user. String

Date and time when the object was created.

Activated Timestamp when the user was activated. String
Status Changed Timestamp when the user's status was changed. String
Last Login Timestamp when the user last logged in. String
Last Updated Timestamp when the user was last updated. String
Password Changed Timestamp when the user's password was changed. String
First Name First name of the user. String
Last Name Last name or family name of the user. String
Mobile Phone Mobile phone number of the user. String
Second Email Secondary email of the user. String
Login Login username of the user (usually in the form of an email address). String
Email Email address of the user. String
Records Streamed Number of records streamed in a streaming flow.

Appears when Stream Matching Records is selected from the Result Set field.


Related topics

Okta connector

Workflow elements

Guidance for Okta connector

Okta API documentation