
The first time you add an OpenAI card to a flow, Okta Workflows prompts you to configure the connection. This connection links to your OpenAI account and saves your account information, so you can reuse the connection for future OpenAI flows.

You can create multiple unique connections and manage them from the Connections page in the Okta Workflows Console.

For data security, Okta recommends that you create multiple connections that use the principle of least privilege (PoLP) for each of your use cases. For example, create one connector with read-only access and another connector with update privileges.

Before you begin

As outlined in the Okta Subscription Agreement, electronic data submitted by or on behalf of customers through Okta Workflows must not contain any health, credit card, financial, or other sensitive data. If you choose to save data within your execution history, any saved information is retained for 30 days.

To use the OpenAI connector, you need access to the OpenAI API. OpenAI restricts API access to customers through a pay-per-use plan. See OpenAI API Pricing for details.

Start this task

OpenAI uses API tokens and organization IDs for authentication. See Authentication on the OpenAI site for the latest details.

OpenAI API credentials

If you have already created an OpenAI API token (OpenAI refers to this as a secret key), you can skip to the next section.

If you need to create an API token:

  1. Go to your OpenAI API keys page, click Create new secret key.

  2. Give your token an optional Name and click Create secret key.

  3. Copy the generated API token to a secure location. This API token is only available to copy when you create it. If you lose an existing token, you need to replace it with a new token.

  4. Click Done.

  5. If you belong to multiple organizations in OpenAI, use the Default organization option to specify which organization uses this API token by default.

OpenAI Organization ID

To obtain the OpenAI organization ID needed to configure your connector:

  1. Go to your OpenAI Organization settings page.

  2. Copy the Organization ID that corresponds to the API token you want to use for your connection.

Create the OpenAI connection in Okta

In the Okta Workflows Console:

  1. Click New Connection.
  2. Enter a Connection Nickname. Make this nickname unique if you want to set up multiple OpenAI accounts.
  3. Enter your OpenAI Organization ID.
  4. Enter your API Key.
  5. Click Create.

Remove a OpenAI connection

Deleting an OpenAI connection from your Okta Workflows Console doesn't delete the corresponding OpenAI API token.

If you no longer require it, delete the API token directly through your API keys page on your OpenAI console.

Related topics

OpenAI connector

Workflow elements

OpenAI API Reference