Proofpoint connector

The Proofpoint APIs allow you to read compromised users, fetch events for malicious messages or clicks, and make custom Proofpoint API calls.

Authorize your Proofpoint account

When you add a ProofPoint card to a flow for the first time, you'll be prompted to set up a connection for that channel. Setting up a connection will allow you to connect the flow to your ProofPoint account, save the data, and reuse that connection the next time you build a flow with this card. See Authorization.

Proofpoint connector event cards



New Permitted Malicious Click Start FLO when there are new events for clicks to malicious URLs permitted.

Proofpoint connector action cards



Custom API Action Make a custom, authenticated HTTP call to the Proofpoint API.
Read Compromised User Get users which were most attacked during a specified period in their organizations.
Read Delivered Malicious Messages Fetch events for messages delivered in the specified time period which contained a known threat.
Read Permitted Malicious Clicks Fetch events for clicks to malicious URLs permitted in the specified time period.