Add Address to Customer

Add an address to a customer profile in Shopify.


Field Definition Type Required
Make it Default? Option to make the new address as the default in a customer profile. Dropdown TRUE


Field Definition Type FALSE
Customer ID Customer's globally unique identifier. Number FALSE
Address1 Customer's first address line. String FALSE
Address2 Customer's second address line. String FALSE
City Customer's city. String FALSE
Company Customer's company name. String FALSE
First Name Customer's first name. String FALSE
Last Name Customer's last name. String FALSE
Phone Customer's phone number. String FALSE
Province Customer's province or state. String FALSE
Country Customer's country. String FALSE
ZIP Customer's zip code. String FALSE
Name Customer's full name. String FALSE
Province Code Customer's province code or state abbreviation. String FALSE
Country Code Customer's country code. String FALSE
Country Name Customer's normalized country name. String FALSE


Field Definition Type
ID Unique identifier for the address object. Number
Customer ID Customer's globally unique identifier. Number
First Name Customer's first name. String
Last Name Customer's last name. String
Company Customer's company name. String
Address1 Customer's first address line. String
Address2 Customer's second address line. String
City Customer's city. String
Province Customer's province or state. String
Country Customer's country. String
ZIP Customer's zip code. String
Phone Customer's phone number. String
Name Customer's full name. String
Province Code Customer's province code or state abbreviation. String
Country Code Customer's country code. String
Country Name Customer's normalized country name. String
Default? Indicates whether the address is the customer's default address. Boolean

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