Update User

Update an existing Slack user by overwriting values for specified attributes.


Field Definition Type Required
Set Empty Field
  • YES: Input fields that are not selected will remain unchanged; input fields that are selected but left blank or filled in with a null value will clear the existing value in those fields.
  • NO: Input fields that are not selected, or selected but left blank or set to a null value, will be removed from the final request, so that these fields will remain unchanged after the update request.
Dropdown TRUE

The following fields can't be set to empty:

  • Primary Email
  • Secondary Email
  • Username
  • Nickname

The Primary Phone and Mobile Phone attributes can only be removed when together selected, and left blank or filled in with a null value.

The Address attribute will only be removed when all its sub-attributes are select, and left blank or filled in with a null value.

Sub-attributes can't be removed separately.


Field Definition Type Required
Update by
Id User's unique Slack ID.

Use the Search User card to find a user's Slack ID by their username or email address.

String TRUE
Primary Email User's primary email address. String FALSE
Secondary Name User's secondary email address. String FALSE
Username Login username of the user. String FALSE
Nickname User's nickname. String FALSE
Last Name User's last name. String FALSE
First Name User's first name. String FALSE
Display Name Name of the user, suitable for display to end users. String FALSE
Honorific Prefix User's honorific prefix or title. String FALSE
Primary Phone User's primary phone number. String FALSE
Mobile Phone User's mobile phone number. String FALSE
Street Address Full street address of the user. String FALSE
Locality Locality of the user. String FALSE
Region Region of the user. String FALSE
Postal Code Zip or postal code of the user. String FALSE
Country Country of the user. String FALSE
User Details
Profile Photo URL URL for the user's profile photo. String FALSE
What I Do Informal profile description of the user's role. String FALSE
User Type Type of user. String FALSE
Role User's role in their organization. String FALSE
Time Zone User's time zone. Dropdown FALSE
Preferred Language User's preferred language. String FALSE
Locale User's default location for purposes of localizing items like currency, date/time format, and numerical representations. String FALSE
Department Name of user's department. String FALSE
Division Name of user's division. String FALSE
Employee Number User's organization- or company-assigned unique identifier. String FALSE
Organization Name of user's organization. String FALSE
Cost Center Name of the cost center assigned with the user. String FALSE
Manager ID Unique identifier of the user's manager. String FALSE


Field Definition Type
ID User's unique identification. String

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