Atlassian Jira integration

Integrate Identity Security Posture Management (ISPM) with Atlassian Jira as a data source. This integration provides visibility and risk analysis for Atlassian Jira identities and permissions. To automate ticket creation on Atlassian Jira when new issues are detected by ISPM, use the Atlassian Jira (tickets) integration.

Create a personal access token

  1. Sign in to your Jira admin account as a user with access to all projects.
  2. Open the dropdown menu associated with your profile and click Account settings.
  3. Go to the Security tab.
  4. Go to Settings in the top toolbar.
  5. Click Create and manage API tokens.
  6. Click Create API token.
  7. Enter a label for the token.
  8. Copy your token and store it securely.

Create an admin API key

  1. Sign in to your Atlassian account as an admin.
  2. Select your organization and go to the Settings tab.
  3. Open the sidebar and select API keys.
  4. Click Create API key.
  5. Enter a name for the key.
  6. Set an expiration date for the key.
  7. Click Create.
  8. Copy your API key and store it securely.

Share the parameters with ISPM

  1. In the Identity Security Posture Management console, go to SettingsConnected sources.

  2. Select Jira.
  3. Enter the personal access token and the API key that you created earlier.
  4. Click Submit.