Okta integration

Integrate Identity Security Posture Management with your Okta org using an API service integration. You can use the integration to retrieve data from Okta.

Add an API service integration

  1. Sign in to the Okta Admin Console as a super admin.
  2. In the Admin Console, go to ApplicationsAPI Service Integrations.

  3. Click Add Integration.
  4. Select Okta Identity Security Posture Management and click Next.
  5. Scroll down and click Install & Authorize. Depending on your Okta org version and your configurations, you may see a warning message. This is expected and will not impact this integration.
  6. On the Required: Copy your client secret dialog, click Close. You don't need to copy the client secret for the app.
  7. From your service app's General tab, copy the Client ID and Okta Domain values.

Share the parameters with ISPM

  1. In the Identity Security Posture Management console, go to SettingsConnected sources.

  2. Select Okta.
  3. Enter your Okta domain URL (https://your-company.okta.com) and client ID.
  4. Click Submit.

Next steps

Configure Single Sign-On for Okta