Access Gateway Network Setup menu

The Access Gateway Network Setup menu lets you check the status of the network and modify the network settings.

Press 1 in the main menu to enter the Access Gateway Network Setup menu.

Network commands

Manage network interfaces

The Manage network interfaces submenu allows you to perform the following tasks:

  • Set up DHCP management for an interface.
  • Assign or remove an IP address from an interface.
  • Assign or remove a route from an interface.

All networking changes made using the Manage network interfaces submenu are made immediately but aren't persisted until you commit them using the Commit changes to system menu item.

  1. In the Access Gateway Management console, press 1 - Manage network interfaces to enter the Access Gateway Network Setup menu.
  2. Press the number for the networking interface that you want to manage.
  3. Press a to assign a static IP address. If an interface already has a static IP address, or has a DHCP-assigned address, then this option is unavailable.
  4. Enter the IP address, and then press Enter.
  5. Enter the netmask for the address as four hexadecimal digits and press Enter.
  6. Enter the gateway address for the static IP address and press Enter. The Access Gateway Management console displays a confirmation message.
  7. Press c to continue with the change.
  8. Press d to set up DHCP for the interface.
  9. Press y.

Test network configuration

  1. Press 2 from the Access Gateway Network Setup menu.
  2. The system attempts to connect to and displays the status. Press Enter to continue.
  3. The system checks the NGINX configuration and displays the status. Press Enter to return to the Access Gateway Network Setup menu.

Edit /etc/hosts

The /etc/hosts file is used to configure statically assigned hostnames. Administrators can override DNS addresses for specific hostnames or provide addresses for hosts not in DNS by adding entries to /etc/hosts. This helps Okta Access Gateway connect to the correct host.

  1. Press 3 from the Access Gateway Network Setup menu. The current entries in the hosts file appear by line number.
  2. Press a to add an entry.
  3. Add the entry following the standard format.
  4. To delete an entry, press d and enter the line number that corresponds to the entry you want to delete.
  5. Press c to commit the changes to the hosts file.
  6. Press x to return to the Access Gateway Network Setup menu.

Setup NIC bonding

NIC bonding is the process of combining two ethernet ports together into a bonded virtual port. Typically, NIC bonding is used if there is sufficient traffic on a single port to saturate a single network connection.

  1. In the Access Gateway Management console, press 1 - Manage network interfaces to enter the Access Gateway Network Setup menu.
  2. Press 5 to set up NIC bonding.
  3. Enter the IP address, and then press Enter.
  4. Enter the netmask value, and then press Enter.
  5. Enter the default gateway value, and then press Enter.
  6. Enter the primary DNS server value, and then press Enter.
  7. Enter the secondary DNS server value, and then press Enter.
  8. Enter the search domain address, and then press Enter.
  9. Press c to commit the changes.
  10. Review the network configuration. To confirm the changes, press y, and then press Enter. To discard your changes and return to the Access Gateway Network Setup menu, press n, and then press Enter.
  11. After the change is complete, press any key to return to the Access Gateway Network Setup menu.

Proxy settings

Set a proxy

  1. Press 5 from the Access Gateway Network Setup menu.
  2. Press 1 to configure the proxy.
  3. Enter the proxy hostname, and then press Enter.
  4. Enter the proxy port, and then press Enter.
  5. If required, enter a proxy username, and then press Enter.
  6. If required, enter a proxy password, and then press Enter.
  7. Enter the hostnames (separated by commas) that need to bypass the proxy.
  8. Press y to confirm the proxy settings, or N to abort.
  9. Press Enter to return to the proxy menu, and then press Enter again to return to the main Access Gateway Network Setup menu.

Unset a proxy

  1. Press 5 from the Access Gateway Network Setup menu.
  2. Press 2 to remove the proxy configuration.
  3. Press y to confirm.
  4. Press Enter to return to the proxy menu, and press Enter again to return to the Access Gateway Network Setup menu.


The Ping option checks if a destination host is reachable from the Access Gateway appliance.

  1. Press 6 from the Access Gateway Network Setup menu.
  2. Enter the hostname or IP address for the destination host that you want to ping, and then press Enter. The system displays the ping results.
  3. Press Enter to return to the main Access Gateway Network Setup menu.

Connectivity test

This test validates a connection between the Access Gateway and any other system. You can also validate if a back-end app or server is reachable from the Access Gateway appliance.

  1. Press 7 from the Access Gateway Network Setup menu.
  2. Enter the hostname or IP address of the machine that you want to test, and then press Enter.
  3. Enter the port number that you want to test, and then press Enter. The system displays the connection results.
  4. Press Enter to return to the Access Gateway Network Setup menu.

Manage DNS settings

Use the Manage DNS Setting submenu to add, delete, or modify domain name servers, and search domains.

  1. In the Access Gateway Management console, press 1 - Manage network interfaces to open the Access Gateway Network Setup menu.
  2. Press 8 from the Access Gateway Network Setup menu. The current DNS Name Server settings appear.
  3. Press x to exit and return to the Access Gateway Network Setup menu.

Manage DNS servers

  1. Press 1 from the Access Gateway Network Setup menu. The DNS server list appears.
  2. Press 1 to set the Primary DNS server.
  3. Press 2 to set the Secondary DNS server.
  4. Press 3 to set the Tertiary DNS server.

    When no DNS servers are set, setting a secondary or tertiary DNS server results in setting a primary DNS server.

    Primary DNS Server IP addresses can't be blank, while secondary and tertiary DNS servers may be omitted.

  5. Enter the IP address for the selected DNS server and then press Enter. The updated DNS server list appears.
  6. Press x to exit and return to the Access Gateway Network Setup menu.

Manage search domains

Access Gateway supports up to six search domains.

  1. Press 2 from the Access Gateway Network Setup menu. The search domains list appears.
  2. Press a to add a search domain.
    1. Enter the new search domain and then press Enter.
    2. The new search domain is added and the current list appears.
  3. Press r to remove an existing search domain. The list of existing search domains appears.
    1. Enter the number associated with the search domain to be removed.
    2. The search domain is removed and the current list appears.

Manage Trusted Domains

This menu is used to enable, disable, or view trusted domains.

  1. Press 9 from the Access Gateway Network Setup menu.
  2. Press x to exit and return to the Access Gateway Network Setup menu.

Enable or disable trusted domains

If you use Single Logout, verify that trusted domains are enabled. Otherwise, Single Logout fails. See the Logout section of Define app behaviors

  1. Press 1 to toggle the Enable/Disable trusted domain option. The status of each trusted domain appears.
  2. Press x to exit. The Manage Trusted Domains menu appears.

View trust domains

  1. Press 2 to view the list of trusted domains.

    The view option is still present but it displays a warning if you try to view trusted domains when they're disabled.

  2. Press x to exit. The Manage Trusted Domains menu appears and shows the current status for trusted domains.

Show running configuration

Display details of the current configuration, including interface, DNS, and the routing and host file contents.

  1. Press s from the Access Gateway Network Setup menu.
  2. Press Enter to display running configuration details.
  3. Press Enter to return to the Access Gateway Network Setup menu.

View configuration change plan

Display details of the current configuration including interface, DNS, and the routing and host file contents.

  1. Press v from the Access Gateway Network Setup menu.
  2. Press Enter to return to the Access Gateway Network Setup menu.

DNS Lookup

Perform a DNS lookup for a given hostname.

  1. Press d from the Access Gateway Network Setup menu.
  2. Enter the host name or IP address that you want to look up.
  3. Enter the host name or IP address of the DNS server.
  4. Press Enter to start the search.
  5. Press Enter to return to the Access Gateway Network Setup menu.

Connectivity test (cURL)

  1. Press u from the Access Gateway Network Setup menu.
  2. Enter the URL to which you want to test connectivity.
  3. Press Enter to return to the Access Gateway Network Setup menu.

Commit changes to system

  1. Press c from the Access Gateway Network Setup menu.
  2. Press y to commit, or n to ignore changes.
  3. Press Enter to return to the Access Gateway Network Setup menu.

Restart Networking

  1. Press r from the Access Gateway Network Setup menu.
  2. Networking restarts.
  3. Press Enter to return to the Access Gateway Network Setup menu.