About application attribute elements

Application attributes are composed of the following elements:

Field Description
Send Attribute

Controls whether an attribute is present or not present within a header or cookie.

Attributes used for policy decisions are typically set to Don't Send.

Data Source The source of origin for the contents of the attribute. It can be any of several sources including IDP, various contexts, Data Stores, and others.

Field and Record Number or Value

Either Field and Record Number, or Value.

For static and secret attributes, the Value field represents a fixed value for the attribute.

For non-static fields, Field field is used as the source for the attribute.

Record Number is only present with non-static fields and represents which of a multi-value variable will be selected. Record Value can be one of the following:

  • n: Where n represents the specific record number in the input. Default value is 0.
  • #: return the total number of records in the input.
  • @: Concatenate all values, using colons (:) as separator.

    For example ":value1:value2:value3:"

Maximum length: 128 characters.


Method for passing attributes. The type can be one of the following:

  • Header: Attribute is passed in a header.

  • Cookie: Attribute is passed in a cookie.


Associated field in either the header or cookie.

Maximum length: 128 characters.