Add an Auth Module

  1. Navigate to your Access Gateway Instance.
  2. Select the Settings tab.
  3. Select the Auth Modules pane.
  4. Select (+) and one of:
    Active DirectoryWindows-based Active Directory auth module. Requires URL, Port, credentials, and other information for configuration.
    Auth ChooserAllows for the selection and use or two or more existing auth modules.
    Requires two or more existing Auth Modules.
    Desktop SSOKerberos-based Auth Module.
    Requires URL, Port, and credentials and other information for configuration.
    LDAPLDAP-based Auth Module.
    Requires LDAP URL, Port, Credentials and other mapping information.
    Local AuthLocal Auth Module provided by Access Gateway itself. Requires an internal set of users and user mapping.


    Okta-based Auth Module.
    Requires a Okta tenant that has a pre-establised trust relationship with the Access Gateway instance.


    SAML-based Auth Module
    Requires access to local IDP Domain and mapping information


    DataStore-based auth module. Requires a pre-existing data store as well as mapping information.