Admin UI Console

The Access Gateway Admin UI console provides options and settings specific to management of Access Gateway as opposed to the system as a whole. You can use the Access Gateway Admin UI console to add new Identity Providers, integrate applications, manage settings, and more.

As an Access Gateway administrator, this is where most of the day-to-day management takes place. The default credentials for the Access Gateway Admin UI console are admin/<default-password>

The Access Gateway Admin UI console has the following tabs:


The topology tab shows a visual representation of all IDPs and their child applications configured without Access Gateway.

The Topology tab displays:

  • The Identity Providers (IDP) connected to the Access Gateway instance. Click an IDP icon to go to the IDP settings.
  • The applications that are currently configured in the environment. Click an application on the topology map to edit the application settings.


The application tab shows a list of all configured applications and supports managing, adding, and deleting applications.

The Applications tab lists all applications that are currently configured. You can:

  • Add: Add applications to the Access Gateway environment.
  • Edit :Modify existing application configuration.
  • Delete: Permanently delete an application configuration.
  • GoTo application: Launch an application using an IDP-initiated or SP-initiated flow.
  • View Status: View the status of the application. The possible states are Active, and Inactive.


The settings tab allows you to specify global Access Gateway settings, including your Okta org identity provider, Kerberos, Auth module and Data store settings.

Using the Settings tab, you can configure the following Access Gateway settings:

  • Access Gateway: Specify cookie domain and various other Access Gateway specific settings.
  • Identity Provider: Specify settings for your Okta org identify provider.
  • Kerberos: Settings for a Kerberos providers. Required for deployments using Kerberos-based applications.
  • Auth Modules: Specify additional authentication modules.
  • Data Stores: Specify additional sources of data to use with application attributes.

Backups and Logs

The settings tab allows you to specify global Access Gateway settings, including your Okta org identity provider, Kerberos, Auth module and Data store settings.

You can use the Backups and Logs tab for the following tasks:

  • Backups: Backup and restore Access Gateway configuration.
  • Log Forwarder: Specify a log forwarder, such as Graylog.
  • Log Download: Download all logs for a given date.