Reset the credentials for the Access Gateway Local Auth Module

The Access Gateway Local authentication module (Auth Module) is used to establish a trust relationship between Access Gateway and one of the supported authentication types. It provides a secondary source of authentication truth if Access Gateway can't reach your Okta org.

When you run a new Access Gateway instance for the first time, or reset an instance and then restart it, Access Gateway loads the Access Gateway Local Auth Module.

Start this procedure

  1. Open the Access Gateway Admin UI console.
  2. Select the Settings tab.
  3. Select the Auth Modules pane.
  4. For the Access Gateway Local module, click the pencil icon.
  5. In the Accounts section, click the pencil icon for the Admin account.
  6. Enter a name in the User Name field.
  7. Click Change Password and then enter a strong password in the Password and Confirm Password fields.
  8. Click Not Validated. Access Gateway validates the connection. If the validation is successful, the button changes to Valid.
  9. Click Okay.

Related topics

Test the Access Gateway Local Auth Module