Create a bucket and upload disk image

Store the Okta Access Gateway disk image in a bucket to use the image in Google Cloud.

Create a bucket

  1. Sign in to
  2. Click Console.
  3. Click Cloud Storage.
  4. Select your parent project from the projects dropdown.
  5. Click Create Bucket.
  6. Enter a name for the bucket.
  7. Click Continue.
  8. Select an appropriate location type and location for the bucket.
  9. Click Continue.
  10. Choose the storage class for your bucket. Click Continue.
  11. Set Access control to Uniform or Fine-grained. Click Continue.
  12. Click Create.
  1. Sign in to Google Cloud and enter the appropriate credentials in the browser page that appears:

    gcloud auth login

  2. Optional. List all known projects:

    gcloud projects list

  3. Create a bucket:

    gsutil mb -p <project-name> -c <storage-class> -l <bucket-location> gs://<bucket-name>/

    • <bucket-name> is the name of the bucket.
    • <project-name> is the name of a project from the projects list.
    • <storage-class> is a valid storage class identifier.
    • <bucket-location> is a valid bucket location identifier.

    In this example, replace <project-name> with accessgateway, <storage-class> with NEARLINE, <bucket-location> with us-east1, and <bucket-name> with oagbucket:

    gsutil mb -p accessgateway -c NEARLINE -l us-east1 gs://oagbucket

Copy disk image to a bucket

  1. Sign in to
  2. Click Console.
  3. Click Cloud Storage.
  4. Click the bucket where you want to upload the image file.
  5. Drag the file that you downloaded to the browser or click Upload files and select the file. The time required to upload the file depends on the upload speed.

Copy the image file to a bucket:

gsutil cp <file> gs://<bucket-name>

  • <file> is the fully qualified path to the image file downloaded from the Okta Admin Console.
  • <bucket-name> is the bucket where you want to upload the file.

Run this command to upload the file oag-2022.1.0 to the bucket named oagbucket:

gsutil cp ./oag-2022.1.0.ova gs://oagbucket

See About Cloud Storage buckets for more information about Google Cloud Storage buckets.