LDAP Interface connection settings

This table lists the values that might be required to connect to the Okta LDAP Interface.

Field Value
Name The name of the server
Directory Type The server type
Hostname <org_subdomain>.ldap.<domain>.com, where <domain> is one of oktapreview, okta, or okta-emea.
Port StartTLS on port 389


LDAPS on port 636

Username uid=<username>,<dc=org_subdomain>,dc=<domain>,dc=com, where <domain> is one of oktapreview, okta, or okta-emea

Must have admin permissions, but can be a read-only admin

Password <password for the admin user>
Base DN [ou=<users or groups>],<dc=org_subdomain>, dc=<domain>, dc=com , where <domain> is one of oktapreview, okta, okta-emea, or okta-gov.com
Additional User DN ou=users
Additional Group DN ou=groups
User Object Class inetOrgPerson
User Object Filter (objectclass=inetOrgPerson)
User Name Attribute uid
User Name RDN Attribute cn
User First Name Attribute givenName
User Last Name Attribute sn
User Display Name Attribute cn
User Email Attribute mail
Group Object Class groupofUniqueNames
Group Object Filter (objectclass=groupOfUniqueNames)
Group Name Attribute cn
Group Description Attribute description
Group Members Attribute uniqueMember
User Membership Attribute memberOf

memberOf isn't an indexed value and its use could result in significantly slower search times

Use the User Membership Attribute Select to use the user's membership attribute to determine group membership