Okta Active Directory agent variable definitions
This table lists the properties in the Active Directory (AD) agent configuration file:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Okta\Okta AD Agent\OktaAgentService.exe.config
Don't modify these settings unless you fully understand the repercussions of your changes.
Variable |
Description |
BaseOktaURI | URL for the org. |
AgentToken | Encrypted value for the API token that the agent uses for calling Okta. This variable only applies to Okta Active Directory agent version 3.17.0 or earlier. |
AgentKey | Encrypted value for the key that the agent uses for calling Okta. This variable only applies to Okta Active Directory agent version 3.18.0 or later. |
AgentId | Unique identifier for the agent, generated during installation. |
AppId |
Unique identifier for the directory to which this agent belongs. The AppId forms part of the URL when you are on the directory integrations page for this instance. For example:
https://acme-admin.okta.com/admin/app/active_directory/instance/0oa5c6b3zzMBmPCoH0h7. |
AgentName | Human readable ID for the agent. By default, this is the hostname of the server on which the agent is installed. Changes to the value are reflected in the Okta AD Agent Manager but not in Okta. |
ClientId | Unique identifier that the agent uses for calling Okta. This variable only applies to Okta Active Directory agent version 3.18.0 or later. |
ProxyURI | The url:port for the proxy used by this agent, if any. If no value is given for this setting, then a proxy isn't being used. Likewise, if there's a value that can't be resolved as a valid URL, no value is given for this setting. |
ProxyUsername | If the proxy requires authentication, the username is used. By default, no value is given for this setting (none required). |
ProxyPassword | If the proxy requires authentication, the encrypted value for the password is used. By default, no value is given for this setting (none required). |
PollingThreads | The number of concurrent polling requests (from 1 through 10) running between the agent and Okta. A number outside this range sets the number of threads at the minimum or maximum (whichever boundary is exceeded). The default value is 2. |
VerboseLogging | The value is either True or False. True ensures that the log contains more information (mostly in the user provisioning flow). The default value is False. |
ConnectionLimit | The value for system.net.servicepointmanager.defaultconnectionlimit. The default .NET limit of two concurrent connections is maintained if Okta fails to parse the value of this setting. |
MaxRetryLimitSleep | Related to circumstances when an agent is unable to reach Okta. The intervals during which disconnected agents aren't polling Okta become progressively longer. When the agent is reconnected, polling resumes at the normal frequency. This setting specifies the duration of non-polling ("sleep") intervals. By default, this setting is set to the maximum setting of 1 hour in milliseconds (3600000). |
DelAuthPostTimeout |
The time in milliseconds to post a single delegated authentication result from an Okta AD agent to a server. If the post times out or is unsuccessful due to a RETRYABLE error, and the maximum retry count isn't reached, the post is attempted again after a short delay. Subsequent attempts have the same interval in addition to the delay or sleep interval. The lowest value is 5000 or 5 seconds. |
SendScanDataMaxRetries |
Defines the maximum allowable retries for posting scan data. |
SslPinningEnabled | When SSL pinning is enabled, the Okta AD agent confirms that the SSL certificate presented by the Okta org matches one of the keys hard-coded in the agent. The default value for an Early Access (EA) version of the agent is True. The default value for a Generally Available (GA) version of the agent is False. |