Roll back to Classic Engine

Immediately after your upgrade to Identity Engine, test and validate your critical functionality. Do this before you make any configuration changes to ensure that the upgrade was successful. If you find an issue that you can't resolve within seven days of your upgrade, Okta will make a best effort to roll back your org to Classic Engine.

Which issues don't require a rollback?

  • Support or functionality of a feature changed. Feature changes are expected and intentional.

  • Custom code doesn't function according to your required use case. You should test all custom code and critical use cases (including infrastructure management services like Terraform) in a non-production environment before upgrading your production environment. This lets you identify the changes you need to make during the production change control execution. Refer to Okta developer docs to understand the integration patterns for custom development.

Which issues require a rollback?

Most issues that you find during testing can be resolved by adjusting your configurations. Refer to the Validate your upgrade.

  • Authentication for critical applications doesn't work as expected (and policy reconfiguration doesn't resolve the issue).

  • A large group of users can't access the End-User Dashboard.

  • A large group of users can't access their assigned resources with their configured authenticators.

  • New users can't activate or register an Okta account.

  • MFA doesn't work for a large group of users.

  • JIT, inbound SAML, or user provisioning experiences interruptions.

  • Admins can't access the Admin Console.

  • Admins can't resolve issues for administrative tasks related to users, like account unlock, password reset, and MFA enrollment.

  • Self-Service Registration or progressive profiling is broken.

Next steps

Initiate a rollback request

Behavior after a rollback