Add a rule for authenticator enrollment
Add this rule to build phishing resistance into your authenticator enrollment process. When this rule is active, users must provide a phishing-resistant authenticator when they enroll other authenticators and when they unenroll one. If your org doesn't use phishing-resistant authenticators yet, start with Add a rule for enrollment of your first phishing-resistant authenticator.
If your org uses the third-generation Sign-In Widget, upgrade to version 7.20 or later for all brands.
All users in your org must be eligible to use the phishing-resistant authenticators. See Create an authenticator enrollment policy.
Add the rule
In the Admin Console, go to .
Select Okta Account Management Policy.
Click Add Rule.
Enter a descriptive rule name, like Phishing-resistant authenticator enrollment.
Set the following IF conditions.
User type: Any user type
User group membership includes: Any
User is: Any
Device platform is: Any platform
User's IP is: Any
Risk is: Any
The following custom expression is true: accessRequest.operation == 'enroll'
Set the following THEN conditions.
Access is: Allowed after successful authentication
User must authenticate with: Possession factor
Possession factor constraints are: Phishing resistant
Authentication methods: Allow any method that can be used to meet the requirement
Prompt for authentication: Every time user signs in to resource
Click Save.
Set this rule's priority above the catch-all but below the first phishing-resistant authenticator (if you added that one). Be sure that the first phishing-resistant authenticator rule stays at priority 1.
User experience
If a user meets the requirements of this rule, their experience for this process doesn't change. However, their authenticator choices are limited to the phishing-resistant options. Consider these two scenarios:
Users who are currently activated with a single factor can't enroll new authenticators or sign in to apps that require MFA. Refer to this task's prerequisite.
Users can lock themselves out if they unenroll too many authenticators. Inform your users that they must keep at least one phishing-resistant authenticator enrolled always.