Preview an inline hook

Preview a new inline hook before you enable it to see how it interacts with your custom code. You can configure the inline hook request and then troubleshoot how your code responds.

These inline hooks are available for preview:

Generated hook preview data can contain placeholder values and may differ from an actual request.

Registration inline hook

  1. In the Admin Console, go to WorkflowInline Hooks.
  2. Locate the Registration inline hook that you want to preview, and then click its Actions menu. By default, active inline hooks are listed first, but you can sort the table by type or name.
  3. Select Preview.
  4. In the Configure Inline Hook request section:
    • Select the data.userProfile of an existing user from the Search user menu.
    • Select the requestType (Self-Service Registration or Progessive Profile) from the dropdown menu.
      • In the View Service Response section, click View Response.
  5. In the Preview example Inline Hook request section, click Generate Request. Verify that the example JSON payload of the request is populated with the user profile objects you configured.
  6. Optional. Click Edit to customize the JSON payload of the request. In some scenarios, you may need to add or modify the JSON.
  7. In the View Service Response section, click View Response. If your external service is set up and ready to accept the request, the JSON response that you configured appears.

For examples of a Registration inline hook, including Previews, see Registration inline hook.

SAML assertion inline hook

  1. In the Admin Console, go to WorkflowInline Hooks.
  2. Locate the SAML inline hook that you want to preview, and then click its Actions menu. By default, active inline hooks are listed first, but you can sort the table by type or name.
  3. Select Preview.
  4. In the Configure Inline Hook request section:
    • Select the data.userProfile of an existing user from the Search user menu.
    • Select the SAML app that you're using with the inline hook from the Search app menu.
  5. In the Preview example Inline Hook request section, click Generate Request. Verify that the example JSON payload of the request is populated with the user profile objects you configured.
  6. Optional. Click Edit to customize the JSON payload of the request. In some scenarios, you may need to add or modify the JSON.
  7. In the View Service Response section, click View Response. If your external service is set up and ready to accept the request, the JSON response that you configured appears.

For an example of a SAML assertion inline hook, including a preview, see SAML assertion inline hook.

Telephony inline hook

  1. In the Admin Console, go to WorkflowInline Hooks.

  2. Locate the Telephony inline hook that you want to preview, and then click its Actions menu.

  3. Select Preview.

  4. In the Configure Inline Hook request section:

    • Select the data.userProfile of an existing user from the Search user menu.

    • Select the requestType from the dropdown menu. The event actions that result in an SMS text message or voice call that you want to test are:

      • MFA enrollment

      • MFA verification

      • Account unlock

      • Password reset

  5. In the Preview example Inline Hook request section, click Generate Request. Verify that the example JSON payload of the request is populated with the user profile objects you configured.
  6. Optional. Click Edit to customize the JSON payload of the request. In some scenarios, you may need to add or modify the JSON.

    For example, you might want to edit the profile to send a text message to a phone number that you use for testing purposes.

  7. In the View Service Response section, click View Response. If your external service is set up and ready to accept the request, the JSON response that you configured appears.

For an example of a Telephony inline hook, including a preview, see Telephony inline hook with Twilio.

Token inline hook

  1. In the Admin Console, go to WorkflowInline Hooks.

  2. Locate the Token inline hook name that you want to preview, and the click its Actions menu. By default, active inline hooks are listed first, but you can sort the table by type or name.

  3. Select Preview.

  4. In the Configure Inline Hook request section:

    • Select a user from the Search user menu. Make sure that this user is assigned to your sample OIDC app.

    • Select the app that you're using with the inline hook from the Search app menu.

    • Select an authorization server from the Search authorization server menu.

    • Select a grant type from the dropdown menu.

      For the implicit grant type, select a response type: token, id_token, or both.

  1. In the Preview example Inline Hook request section, click Generate Request. Verify that the example JSON payload of the request is populated with the user profile objects you configured.

  2. In the View Service Response section, click View Response. If your external service is set up and ready to accept the request, the JSON response that you configured appears.

For an example of a Token inline hook, including a preview, see Token inline hook.

Related topics

Add an inline hook

View usage metrics for your inline hooks

Delete an inline hook