Configure a request type associated with bundles

Configuring a request type for users to request entitlement bundles is a two-part process. First, create a configuration list that's based on the entitlement bundle. Next, create a request type associated with the configuration list.

Before you begin

  • Sign in as a super admin, app admin, or and admin with Manage app permissions.

  • Ensure that you're assigned to the Okta Entitlement Management and Request Access apps.

  • Sync resources manually if you want to use a recently created entitlement bundle. See Manually sync resources from Okta.

  • Create an Access Requests team.

  • Ensure that the team has access to the Entitlement bundles resource.

    1. Go to the Access Requests console Settings Resources Entitlement bundles.

    2. Click Manage Access.

    3. Verify that the toggle associated with the team is enabled. If it's not, enable access for the team and click Save.

  • Push Okta groups to Access Requests.

Create a configuration list for entitlement bundles

A configuration list specifies resources or custom items that you can reference in a request type. It allows teams to automate users' access to resources and control the specific options available to the users as a request gets processed. You must explicitly approve each team that can access a configuration list.

  1. From the Access Requests console, go to SettingsConfiguration lists.

  2. Click Create new list. Currently, you can create configuration lists only for Okta, Jira, and ServiceNow resources.

  3. On the Create configuration list dialog, select or enter the required information in the fields.

    1. Select teams that can use this configuration list in request types.

    2. Select the List type as Resource list.

    3. Select the Resource type as Entitlement bundles.

  4. Click Add item. Search for and select entitlement bundles that you want to make available for your users. Repeat this step to add more items.

  5. Click Create list.

You can update this list to add or remove items. The request type that references the configuration list is disabled when you remove an item or a team. You receive an email notification when a request type is disabled.

Create a request type for entitlement bundles

Create a request type with a configuration list that you created to use entitlement bundles in Access Requests. Refer to Create a request type topic for more information on general, question, and task settings. The Timer functionality isn't available for Access Requests to use with Entitlement Management.

  1. Open the Access Requests Admin Console.

  2. On the left panel, click Access Requests.

  3. Click Create Request Type.

  4. From the editor window, configure the general settings.

    When you select a team, ensure that it can access the list of entitlement bundles that you created. Any requests that use this request type are assigned to this team.

  5. In the central panel, click Question to add questions for users.

  6. Configure the question settings.

    To allow users to select from an entitlement bundle list, ensure that your question settings have the following setup:

    • Set Dropdown as the question Type.

    • Specify a configuration list of entitlement bundles that you created as the Configuration items.

  7. Optional. Click Question to add more questions. A requester can't modify the answers to the questions after they submit the request.

  8. In the central panel, click Task to add tasks to prompt actions from a user.

  9. Configure the task settings as required. To ensure approvers can grant bundles to users, set Grant access to entitlement bundle as the task Type.

  10. Optional. Click Task to add more tasks.

  11. Optional. Configure conditional logic for tasks or questions.

  12. Click Publish to make the request type available to the specified audience.

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