Dropbox Business supported features

This table lists the features and functionality available with a Dropbox Business integration.

Feature Description
Push New Users

Users created in Okta are also created in Dropbox Business.

Push Profile Updates

Updates made to the Okta user profile are pushed to Dropbox Business.

Push User Deactivation

Deactivating a user or disabling application access in Okta removes all user data and the user account in Dropbox Business. When a user is suspended, their data is not removed and they cannot access the application.

Import New Users New users created in Dropbox Business are downloaded and new AppUser objects are created and then compared with existing Okta user profiles.

Import Profile Updates

Updates made to a user's profile in Dropbox Business are downloaded and applied to the Okta user profile.

Push Groups

Groups and their members can be pushed to integrated applications. See Using Group Push.

Reactivate Users

User accounts can be reactivated in Dropbox Business.

When a user account is suspended, it is reactivated with the user's previous Dropbox Business access. When a user is deactivated, a new account is created.

Off-boarding (file transfer after user deactivation)

Controls off-boarding actions.

Silent Provisioning

Users are silently provisioned to Dropbox Business and welcome emails are not sent to new Okta provisioned users.


The Permissions attribute is supported. This includes Member, Team Admin, User Management Admin, and Support Admin.