Step 3: Populate values dynamically into a Raw Request card

A helper flow enables you to set parameters and test the flow in isolation.

  1. In the same flow, click Add Event, and then select Helper Flow.
  2. In the Inputs to this Flow field, enter the following: key1 , value1 , key2 , and value2.

  3. For the parameters, enter the key value pairs.

  4. Click Add AnotherFunctionIf/Else. A branching function makes it easy to exclude cards in a flow.

  5. In the Branching card, set your condition to 1=1, and then click Done.

  6. Drag and drop your HTTP Raw Request card to the Run when FALSE portion.

  7. In the Run when TRUE portion, click Add AnotherFunctionAssign.

  8. In the Assign card, create the following fields and values:

  • Method: GET
  • Accept: application/json
  • Content-Type: application/json
  1. In the Run when TRUE portion, clickAdd AnotherFunctionObjectConstruct.

  2. In the Construct card, create the following fields, and drag the contents from the Assign card.

  • Content-Type
  • Accept
  1. In the Run when TRUE portion, click Add AnotherFunctionObjectSet.

  2. Drag and drop the key1 and value1 from the Helper Flow card to the Set card.

  3. In the Run when TRUE portion, clickAdd AnotherFunctionObjectSet.

  4. Drag and drop the key2 and value2 from the Helper Flow card to the second Set card.

  5. In the Run when TRUE portion, click Add AnotherFunctionObjectMerge.

  6. Drag and drop the outputs from your Set cards to the object 1 and object 2 fields of the Merge card.

  7. In the Run when TRUE portion, clickAdd AnotherFunctionHTTP Raw Request.

  • Drag and drop the Merge output field to the Raw Request query field.

  • Drag and drop the Construct output field to the Raw Request headers field.

  • Drag and drop the Helper Flow url field to the Raw Request url field.

  • As a best practice, consider naming the output fields that you dragged query and headers.

  1. Save your flow, and then toggle the Flow is OFF switch to ON.

Next steps

Step 4: Test the flow