Deploy your connector privately

When your connector is working and tested, you can deploy a version to your local org for further testing or internal production use.

Previously, Connector Builder designated this type of deployment as a local connector.

To deploy a tested version as your private deployment version, click the Actions menu for that version and select Deploy version.

When you deploy a test version of a connector, Okta disables the Deploy version action to prevent any additional attempts. The Private deployment section displays a loading icon to indicate that the deployment is in progress.

Most deployments only take a few minutes to complete. However, if an error occurs during in the deployment process, and it remains incomplete after 30 minutes, Okta re-enables the Deploy version action.

Deployment details

The Private deployment section contains the details of the current private deployment:

  • Deployment date: When this version of the connector became the private deployment version

  • Version deployed: The version of the connector

  • Deployed by: Who deployed this version of the connector

  • Visibility: A privately deployed connector is Visible in your org's flow builder by default.

Click the View history button to see a version history page for all private deployments of this connector.

Switch between versions

To deploy a different test version as your private deployment version, click the Actions menu for that version and select Deploy version.

This option allows you to switch between any valid version of the connector.

If you revert to an earlier version of the connector for your private deployment, the newly deployed version doesn't affect existing flows. This means that any users who implemented the previous version retain that version in their flows. Notify users with the incorrect version so they can update their flows.

Next Steps

Submit your connector