Get User's Group Membership

Retrieve a user's group membership in Box using their membership ID.


Field Definition Type Required
Group Membership ID
Group Membership ID Unique identifier of the group membership. String TRUE


Field Definition Type
Group Membership ID Unique identifier of the group membership. String
Type Type of data returned. String
Role Role of the user in the group. String
Configurable Permissions
Can Create Accounts If true, the user can create accounts Boolean
Can Edit Accounts If true, the user can edit accounts. Boolean
Can Instant Login If true, the user can login instantly. Boolean
Can Run Reports If true, the user can run reports. Boolean
Created At

Date and time when the object was created.

Modified At Date and time when the group membership was modified. String
Group ID Unique identifier of the group. String

Name of the group.

Type Value is always group. String
Group Type Type of the group. String
User ID

Unique identifier of the user.

Name Full name of the user. String
Login Email address of the user. String
Type Value is always user. String

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Box connector

Workflow elements

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