
When you add a Coupa card to a flow for the first time, Okta Workflows prompts you to configure the connection. This connection links to your Coupa account and saves your account information so you can reuse the connection for any future Coupa flows.

You can create multiple connections and manage them from the Connections page in the Okta Workflows console.

Create an OAuth Application

Before you make a connection, the Coupa connector requires that an OAuth app is created inside the Coupa account. See OAuth 2.0 Getting Started with Coupa API.

Create the OAuth app with these settings:

Grant Type Authorization code
Name Any
Redirect URLs Okta Preview:
Okta Production:
Scopes Enable scopes. See Supported Scopes.

Create a Coupa connection

To set up a new Coupa connection in Okta Workflows:

  1. Click New Connection.

  2. Enter a connection Nickname. Use a unique name. This is useful if you plan to connect using multiple Coupa accounts.

  3. Enter the client ID from the OAuth app.

  4. Enter the client secret from the OAuth app.

  5. Select the environment:

    • Coupa Host configures the connection to use the primary domain

    • Coupa Partner configures the connection to use the primary domain

  6. Enter your Organization Name, which is typically the same as the Coupa subdomain.

  7. Click Accept after you're redirected to the Coupa authorization page.

Supported Scopes

The Coupa connector supports the following scopes:

  • email

  • login

  • offline_access

  • openid

  • profile


  • core.user_group.write


  • core.user.write


  • core.common.write