Read Worksheet Info

Retrieve properties of an Excel Online worksheet.


Due to third-party API limitations, this action card doesn't update workbooks that are stored in OneDrive shared libraries. Updates are limited to workbooks stored in personal OneDrive storage.

If a workbook is moved from personal OneDrive storage to a shared library, the Microsoft API may continue to return the data for the version of the file at the time when it was moved. If the file is moved back to personal storage, the Microsoft API may return data for both the original file and the updated file after it was moved back to personal OneDrive storage.


Field Definition Type Required
Workbook List of workbooks available in your account. Workbook is another word for your Excel files.

If you select a Workbook from the dropdown, ignore the Workbook ID field.

If you select -- Enter Workbook ID -- from the dropdown, then enter an ID in the Workbook ID field.



Workbook ID Option to specify a Excel Online workbook by ID.

Example of a workbook ID: 015PGUOTTY6ZMVGBRB65DLDRED7VJJEJTP

To get the ID for an Excel Online workbook, see Get a DriveItem resource.



Worksheet List of worksheets available in the specified workbook. A worksheet is an individual spreadsheet within a workbook, displayed as a tab in an Excel file.




Field Definition Type
Worksheet ID Unique identifier of the worksheet.


Worksheet Name Name of the worksheet.


Position Position of a worksheet in a workbook. The first worksheet is automatically assigned the value 0, the second is assigned the value 1, and so forth.


Visibility Visibility status for the worksheet.


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Excel Online connector

Workflow elements

Guidance for Excel Online connector

Excel Online API documentation