Read All User Access Tokens

Read all user access tokens in Google Workspace.


Field Definition Type Required
Read By
User ID User's primary email address, alias email address, or unique identifier. String TRUE


Field Definition Type
Access Tokens
Application Name Name of the application to which an access token is issued. String
Client ID Client ID of the application to which the token is issued. String
User Key Identifies the user in the API request; the value can be the user's primary email address, alias email address, or unique user ID. String
Is Anonymous? Identifies whether the application is registered with Google; the value is true if the application has an anonymous Client ID. String
Is Native App? Identifies whether the token is issued to an installed application; the value is true if the application is installed to a desktop or mobile device. String
Scopes List of authorization scopes that are granted to the application. String
ETag ETag of the resource. String
Kind Type of API resource; this is always admin#directory#tokenList. String

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