Folder Created

Trigger a flow when a new folder is created in or added to Google Drive.


Field Definition Type
Folder Name Name of the folder. String
Folder ID Unique ID of the folder. String
Description Description of the folder. String
Starred Indicates whether the folder is starred. Boolean
Parent Item ID Parent folder for the file. List of Text
Version Monotonically increasing version number for the folder; this reflects every change made to the folder on the server, even those not visible to the requesting user. String
Web View Link URL for the link that will pull up the folder inside Google Drive. String
Created Time Date when the folder was created (in ISO format). String
Modified Time Date when the folder was last modified (in ISO format). String
Last Modified User Name of the user who last modified the folder. String
Shared Indicates whether the file is shared and accessible. Boolean
Owner Name of the person who owns the file. String
Editors Names of people who have edit access to the file. List of Text
Viewers Names of people who have viewer access to the file. List of Text
Commenters Names of people who have comment access to the file. List of Text
Allow File Discovery Indicates whether the file is discoverable through search inside Google Drive. Boolean
Writers Can Share Indicates whether the people with write access can share the file. Boolean

Related topics

Google Drive connector

Workflow elements

G Suite API documentation