Greenhouse connector

Greenhouse is a comprehensive hiring software platform that streamlines recruitment with tools for attracting talent, conducting interviews, and making data-driven decisions.

Through the Greenhouse connector in Okta Workflows, you can manage users and candidates in your Greenhouse organization.


When you add a Greenhouse card to a flow for the first time, Okta Workflows prompts you to configure the connection. This connection links to your Greenhouse account and saves your account information, so you can reuse this connection for future Greenhouse flows.

See Authorization.

Greenhouse connector action cards



Add User Email Address

Creates an unverified email address for the specified user in Greenhouse.

List Candidates

List all of an organization's candidates who are currently in Greenhouse.

List Users

List all of an organization's users who are currently in Greenhouse.

Read Candidate

Retrieve a candidate's information in Greenhouse.

Read User

Retrieve the information for a specific user in Greenhouse.

Update Candidate

Edit a candidate's basic information in Greenhouse.

Update User

Edit a user's basic information in Greenhouse.