Microsoft Teams connector

Microsoft Teams is a platform that enables organizations to manage their IT operations. You can add, list and remove members, create a team from group, search users, and make custom API calls to the Microsoft Teams API. See Limits and specifications for Microsoft Teams.

Authorize your Microsoft Teams account

The Microsoft Teams connector uses OAuth 2.0 for authentication and authorization. The first time you add a Microsoft Teams card to a flow, you're prompted to create a connection. See Authorization.

Microsoft Teams connector action cards



Add Member

Add a member to a Microsoft Team.

Add Member to Channel

Add a member to a Microsoft Teams channel.

Create Channel

Create a Microsoft Teams channel.

Create Chat

Create a chat in Microsoft Teams.

Create Team from Group

Create a team in Microsoft Teams from a group.

Custom API Action

Make a custom, authenticated HTTP call to the Microsoft Teams API.

List Channel Members

List the channel members of a Microsoft Team.

List Members

List the members of a Microsoft Team.

Read Channel

Read a Microsoft Teams channel.

Read Team

Read a Microsoft Team by ID.

Remove Member

Remove a member from a Microsoft Team.

Remove Member from Channel

Remove a member from a Microsoft Teams channel.

Search Channels

Search for Microsoft Teams channels.

Search Chats

Search chat in Microsoft Teams.

Search Teams

Search for Microsoft Teams.

Send Message in Chat

Send a chat message in Microsoft Teams.

Send Message to Channel

Send a message to channel in Microsoft Teams.

Related topics

Microsoft Teams connector

Workflow elements

Guidance for Microsoft Teams connector

Microsoft Teams API overview