Guidance for Office 365 Mail connector

Read the following information for guidance and best practices when using the Office 365 Mail connector in your flows.


Create a connection using an admin or user Office 365 Mail account. See Authorization.

Re-authorize a connection

If you've used your account to create a connection successfully, you should be able to use this account to create as many connections as you want and re-authorize the old connections as long as no configuration is changed by the admin.

Types of accounts

Admin accounts can create accounts and manage connection requests from regular users. Regular user accounts may have permission to create a connection or the user account owner may need to request connection approval. See Authorization.

Supported scopes

The following OAuth scopes must be enabled in your Office 365 Mail environment:

  • Mail.ReadWrite
  • Mail.ReadWrite.Shared
  • Mail.Send
  • Mail.Send.Shared
  • offline_access

Action card or event card-specific limitations

Search Email Options

There are several options to choose from when configuring the Search Email card. When configuring the options fields, ensure that you consider all of the settings. Results are return for messages that match the specified fields.

For example:

If a user wants to receive the First 200 Matching Records for their emails that have the Subject LifeCycle changes using the date range: starting from 2022-01-05T09:00:00Z and ending at 2020-01-15T09:00:00Z.

Consider the following options settings:


  • Mail: My Mail

  • Search By: Contains "LifeCycle"

  • Date Filter: Range

  • Result Set: First 200 Matching Records


  • Receive Date Time Start: 2022-01-05T09:00:00Z

  • Receive Date Time End: 2020-01-15T09:00:00Z

  • Subject: LifeCycle

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Office 365 Mail connector

Workflow elements

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