Create Folder

Create a folder in OneDrive.


Field Definition Type Required

Choose a source:

  • My Drive: authenticated user's OneDrive.
  • Drive ID: a specified drive by the drive's unique ID.
  • Group ID: a specified group's document library for a group by the group's unique ID.
  • User ID: a specified user by the user's unique ID.
Dropdown TRUE
Input Type Choose the input type for specifying the parent directory where the folder is created:
  • Folder ID:unique ID of the folder.
  • Folder Path:file system path of the folder.
Dropdown TRUE


Field Definition Type Required
Drive ID

Unique ID for the drive requested.

Appears when Drive ID is selected from the Source option.

String TRUE
Group ID

Unique ID for the group which owns the document library.

Appears when Group ID is selected from the Source option.

String TRUE
User ID

Unique ID for the user object who owns the drive item.

Appears when User ID is selected from the Source option.

String TRUE
Parent Folder ID Unique ID of parent folder.

Appears when Folder ID is selected from the Input Type option.

String TRUE
Parent Folder Path Path of the parent folder.

Appears when Folder Path is selected from the Input Type option.

String TRUE
Name Name of the folder. String TRUE
Conflict Behavior Choose the conflict behavior. Choose from:
  • Replace
  • Rename
  • Fail
Dropdown TRUE
Description Description of the folder. String FALSE


Field Definition Type
Folder ID Unique ID of the folder. String
Name The name of the folder. String
Parent Reference
Drive ID Unique ID of the drive. String
Drive Type Describes the type of drive represented by this resource. OneDrive personal drives will return personal. OneDrive for Business will return business.
Parent Folder ID Unique ID of parent folder. String
Path File system path of the file or folder. String
Created By
Name Name of the user who created the folder. String
Email Email address of the user who created the folder. String
User ID Unique ID of the user. String
Created Date Date and time of item creation. Date and Time
Last Modified By
Name Name of the user who modified the folder. String
Email Email address of the user who modified the folder. String
User ID Unique ID of the user. String
Last Modified Identity of the folder which last modified the folder. String
Web URL URL that displays the resource in the browser. String
CTag ETag for the content of the item. This ETag is not changed if only the metadata is changed. String
ETag ETag for the entire item (metadata + content). String
Size Size of the item in bytes. Number

Related topics

OneDrive connector

Workflow elements

Guidance for OneDrive connector

Microsoft Graph API documentation